
DLSU-CSB students develop high-level concepts for sustainable, regenerative future in Accenture’s hackathon

Team GAS, comprised of Benildeans Stephen Sausa, Sebastien Mendoza, and Gabriel Lee, clinched the first prize for their mobile application PinoyCareConnect.

Global professional services giant Accenture recently challenged college undergraduates to create high-level software and systems to reimagine value chains, industries, and cities in a hackathon.

The technology consulting firm tapped students from the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde (DLS-CSB) School of Management and Information Technology (SMIT) to produce a proof of concept for their proposals with an option to build a prototype of their drafts.

For the competition, 28 contenders were split into eight groups with three to four members each. Three units were hailed as winners.

Team GAS, comprised of Stephen Sausa, Sebastien Mendoza and Gabriel Lee, clinched the first prize and received P15,000 for their mobile application PinoyCareConnect. It ensures accessibility of quality healthcare assistance for everyone. It expands the QR code setup for emergency aid and allows easier information gathering for clients with limited means.

Team Voltes IV, namely, David Concon, Alfred Layug, Christian Molino and Nathanael Tecson, was lauded as second place and was awarded P10,000 for developing the Coordinated Traffic Ordinance System (CTOS). The CTOS introduces a sensory unit to traffic lights that would detect available lanes and determine which should be prioritized. This intends to reduce traffic in Manila.

Team Genius Junction, comprised of Kyle Dy, Jan Reily Rabot and Cavin Ramirez, was the third-prize winner with P5,000 for their invention of a multifunction platform Household. Opportunities. Made. Easy (H.O.M.E.), which empowers users through records management, vital support access and employment opening alerts.

The participants were under the guidance of Benilde SMIT Analytics, Computing, and Infotech Cluster Associate Dean Catherine Mojado, together with educators and mentors Jelica Enriquez, Henry DV. Castro, Jacob Catayoc and Veronica Gamboa.

Entries were methodically screened by industry experts from Accenture, composed of Managing Director Rudy Guiao, Intelligent Automation Director Ebenezer Uy, and Recruiting Senior Analyst Veronica Hernandez.

Erika Mioten

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