
TELF AG Presents Comprehensive Stainless Steel Market Analysis for September 2023

In September 2023, TELF AG has released an insightful market analysis report focusing on the stainless steel industry. The report, titled “TELF AG Reprise of September 2023 Stainless Steel Market Analysis,” places a special emphasis on trends within the Chinese stainless steel market. It delves deep into the factors influencing this market and offers valuable data on production and pricing in early September.

Key highlights from the report include a notable increase in domestic stainless steel prices in China. This surge is attributed to heightened activity in the domestic property market and a rise in nickel futures. Notably, the report highlights a policy change that allows family members to be considered first-time home buyers even if the family already has a mortgage loan, as long as there are no homes registered in their name. This policy shift has sparked increased buying interest in first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

Furthermore, the report draws attention to the increase in nickel prices during the first week of September. This increase is driven by concerns regarding a potential mining suspension in Indonesia. Collectively, these factors contribute to a bullish outlook for the steel market.

The analysis incorporates data from an SMM survey, which reveals that stainless steel production for August reached 3.217 million metric tons. This represents a month-over-month increase of 1.66% and a year-over-year surge of 41.18%. In particular, the output for 200-series stainless steel reached 956,000 metric tons, marking a 1.7% month-over-month increase. The 300-series saw a 3.28% month-over-month rise to 1.678 million metric tons, while the 400-series experienced a 0.74% month-over-month increase to 583,000 metric tons.

The report anticipates robust production schedules and substantial capacity expansion in September, driven by optimism among steel mills and traders regarding downstream demand. Notably, production of the 300 series is expected to increase significantly, particularly in East China. Additionally, social inventory, which had moderate demand in August, is projected to decrease due to tight production schedules.

In summary, TELF AG’s analysis paints a picture of a strong stainless steel market in China, supported by favorable government policies and market conditions. Both production and prices are expected to maintain an upward trajectory.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the insights provided in TELF AG’s September 2023 Stainless Steel Market Analysis, readers are encouraged to refer to the full article. For more insights and content, visit TELF AG’s Media Page.

The post TELF AG Presents Comprehensive Stainless Steel Market Analysis for September 2023 first appeared on BusinessMole.

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