
How Data Can Help Drive Profitability for Businesses: A New Book Explains

Leading data and analytics specialist Mark Powell has released his latest book ‘The Fifth Phase: An Insight-Driven Approach to Business Transformation’, to answer the big business question of how to use data in a manner that will truly drive profitability.

Powell argues that companies have got bogged down in the process of collecting and storing data, and need to focus on the big business questions that drive real value.

Speaking on the book, Powell said: “I have spent many years grappling with the challenges organizations face in achieving the genuinely transformative benefits that data analytics and AI have the potential to deliver. As more and more concerns are raised about the potential impact of AI on business and society, there is a risk that we lose sight of the power AI-driven data analytics have to change our world for the better. The Fifth Phase is a reminder of this potential and, I hope, a map to help us navigate the issues and challenges we face in delivering these outcomes.”

Catriona Campbell, Partner and CTIO at EY, commented on the book: “The Fifth Phase is a captivating read on the evolution of data and its pivotal role in reshaping business. It charts the growth, use and misuse of data and how data has fuelled innovation, decision-making, and market disruption. I loved the storytelling that brings data to life, from Taylor’s industrial revolution shovel sizes to cutting-edge situation rooms assessing and mitigating national security threats. It shares some great lessons on how to make data work and is super-relevant for today’s AI challenges.”

Mark Powell’s latest book ‘The Fifth Phase: An Insight-Driven Approach to Business Transformation’ is set to be released on 5 October 2023 by LID Publishing, available as a paperback and e-book. For more information about Mark Powell, please visit his LinkedIn, and for more information about LID Publishing, please visit

The post How Data Can Help Drive Profitability for Businesses: A New Book Explains first appeared on BusinessMole.

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